
Yes, it’s true. This Friday, The Deliberate Mom turns 4! I can’t believe it! So much has happened in this little corner of the internet. So today I thought it would be fitting to share a bit about this blogging adventure with you.

The Deliberate Mom turns 4

A rose by any other name…

I actually started blogging in June 2010… except it was a different blog with a different name. The blog was called:

Random Thoughts After Two Glasses of Wine

Basically I would drink a couple glasses of wine and then write a blog post. The end of every blog post included a wine review. One of my RTATGW posts (what a horrible acronym) can be seen HERE.

About two months into my wine-induced blogging adventure I realized I couldn’t go on for three reasons:

1 – I was going broke from buying wine because I enjoyed blogging so much

2 – I was worried I was going to turn into an alcoholic because I enjoyed blogging so much

3 – I wanted to get pregnant… obviously wine induced posts would be out of the question

Thus, September 12, 2010 The Deliberate Mom was born. The first post (which is kind of lame) can be seen HERE.


The Deliberate Mom has gone through a few face lifts over the years. Here are the screenshots of those changes:



Early in 2014

Memorable Moments

There have been so many awesome moments here on The Deliberate Mom. It’s hard to pick which ones to showcase but here are a few of my favourites….

Big Moments

My guest post on the What to Expect When You’re Expecting blog

My daughter’s television interview on City TV.

Emotional Moments

Sharing news of my second pregnancy after nine months of trying to conceive

My slideshow post of the first few weeks with my second daughter

Funny Moments

Funny But True… An Embarrassing Bathroom Tale

My Embarrassing “Baby Brain” Moment

Some Stats and Silly Stuff

  • This is posting #771
  • There are 7664 comments on this blog (probably close to half of them are my responses to your comments). I did however, lose a few comments in my transfer from Blogger to WordPress.
  • Speaking of comments, the most ridiculous comment I ever received was in response to my Handstand 365 challenge. An individual said: “You should take 365 dumps a year. Now THAT would be cool.”

The Series You Never Knew Existed

I have run a few series on The Deliberate Mom, some which you may have never known existed:

The Postcard Project – 100 postcards, 100 stamps, 100 loonies, 100 pens, 1 PO Box – this weekly series showcased the postcards that we left in locations throughout the city and the ones that were mailed in to us.

My Best Life – A weekly series of postings that helped me make positive changes in my life.

Children Live Here – I periodically shared photos of evidence that children truly live in our home.

What I’ve learned from blogging

1 – I used to think I was tech-savvy. I’m not.

2 – When I first started blogging, I had this crazy misguided notion that the moment I clicked publish, loads of comments would suddenly appear on my blog. Wow, was I ever wrong. Crickets…. I think I spent 4 months in my own corner of the internet, waiting for others to come to me. Ha! The lessons we learn. Now I’m all over the place and can’t keep up with all the blogs (and bloggers) who I follow and love!

3 – I will most likely NOT get rich from blogging.

4 – It’s not about me and my blog… it’s all about community, being a part of it, and building it.

5 – There are some pretty amazing people in this world – if I had to bet on it, you’re one of them.

Want to party with me?

To celebrate The Deliberate Mom’s fourth year of existence, I would like to invite you back here on Thursday for a VERY SPECIAL blog hop. The SHINE Blog Hop will be postponed until next week.

Consider Thursday’s blog hop like a block party. I invite you to link up a post that would make someone fall in love with you and your blog (too much pressure to think of one post… then your “about me” page would be a fabulous substitute). After you link up, go meet and hang out with few other bloggers.

In addition, what’s a party without PRIZES?! That’s right, I have prizes to give away.

I want as many winners as possible! That’s why I’m giving away one $40 (CDN) Paypal e-gift card and two $10 (CDN) Starbucks e-gift cards! Isn’t that exciting? Plus, there will be additional chances to win if you link up to the blog hop party on Thursday! This giveaway is open worldwide (as long as you can accept a gift card via e-mail)!

So I hope you’ll join me this week as I celebrate this milestone of when I first clicked PUBLISH.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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