Simplicity seemed like a good word to choose for the year. After all, my life had become overrun with busyness, clutter, and commotion.
As I committed to this one word resolution, I immediately began to encounter obstacles.
In my quest for simplicity, I had uncovered complexity beyond what I could have imagined.
For instance, a couple days into the year we experienced an epic flooding of our kitchen. Our newly repaired dishwasher broke down and gushed water all over our kitchen floors. It seeped through the hardwood and drenched belongings in our basement.
This, to me, is not the definition of simplicity.
As the months progressed I encountered homeschooling obstacles, the death of our beloved dog, minor surgery, financial setbacks, and heath concerns.
THIS was not what I signed up for!
When I chose the word “simplicity” I expected a year of organizational tasks.
I thought I would be cleaning and mastering the art of minimalism. I envisioned tidy closets and clutter-free drawers. Instead, I was thrown obstacles and challenges that rocked my world both inside and out.
In my quest for simplicity, I encountered chaos.
In her quest to find simplicity, she encountered chaos. Read this mom's other revelations about #simplicity! #oneword Share on XYet in my battle against chaos, I encountered God in a big way.
He led me through storms and when I look back on the year, I can see how some issues actually helped me cope better with the bigger issues that followed.
This year I learned these essential lessons about simplicity:
- Simplicity is more than minimalism.
- It requires us to relinquish control.
- God wants us to trust Him rather than rely on our own plans and ideas.
- Simplicity encompasses all areas of our lives, from our schedules, to our health, to our finances… simplicity isn’t confined to cupboards.
I’m not saying this year was bad. In fact, of all years, this was the one where I think I made the most positive changes. For example:
- In 2017 I was told I was borderline diabetic and had high cholesterol. Within 3 months I lost 10 lbs and embraced healthier eating habits.
- After facing a couple financial curve balls, we finally saw the need for an emergency fund (and created a budget to build one).
- Through loss, sickness, and heartache, I saw the beauty of being in a Christian community. I have never felt God’s love through people like I have this year. The people of my church have loved on my family so much… it’s mind blowing!
- In simplifying our
homeschool curriculum, I experienced the freedom to do more with (and for) my children and extended family. - By doing less, I was able to be more present for my children.
- I learned the importance of self-care and how to find true rest.
As 2017 slammed against me with tidal waves of stress and anxiety, I naturally began to crave peace. So, I am committing 2018 to PEACE.
Peace is mentioned many times in the Bible. In fact, within minutes of deciding peace was my word of the year, I found this scripture:
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 (ESV)
Peace is also one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). It seems like this is a cornerstone to the Christian character and something I need to strive for, especially considering I’m prone to anxiety.
I don’t want to overthink this part. lf anything, I’ve learned that we can’t always plan things because God’s lessons for us often come in surprising ways! However, here are a few things I hope to do to weave peace into my life during 2018:
- Continue with daily Bible study and prayer.
- Use my Spiritual Journal for Christian Women daily.
- Seek out and compile a list of scriptures about peace.
- Add peaceful times into my days.
While peace may not come in the way I hope or envision, I’m certain the Lord has plans for me to explore and find peace.
Do you have a one-word resolution? If so, I would love for you to tell me all about it!
“Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”
What a wonderful word to choose for the upcoming year. I know wish you only the best and most peaceful 2018 ahead, my friend! Hugs and you New Year has indeed been simply peaceful and relaxing if possible so far. xoxo <3
Thank you for the well wishes my friend. I pray this year is peaceful.
Peace. That’s pretty perfect. For me, when I think so much about simplicity, I realize I’m making it complex. I think we probably hit a lot of the same walls, friend!
Wishing you a PEACEful and loving 2018.
I think you’re right about making simplicity complex. Wishing you a peaceful 2018 too.
I think I want to have both peace and simplicity in 2018. I’m cutting back on a lot of things. What I buy, what I wear, what we eat. I was also told I’m borderline diabetic and had high cholesterol so I need to be more vigilant about what I put into my body. Here’s to both peace and simplicity for 2018 for both of us.
Happy New Year! I pray you get that peace and simplicity my friend.
Ah, so many amazing insights you have learned in your word for 2017. Simplicity is a BIG ONE and as you detailed, it can look very different than an organized cupboard. Oh yeah. I’m so glad God grew you in so many new ways this year, through some very difficult challenges you faced. I LOVE that you have such a support body to minister to you and your family and that you were able to make wise decisions throughout journeying through them. Your faithful obedience is inspiring, my friend.
Peace is such a good word. My gosh, we could all choose that one. :) Here’s to God’s relentless grace as you and I go forward into the new year, trusting in Him.
This WAS a remarkable year of growth. I’m ready to learn in 2018 but I pray it truly does involve more peace than lessons – as I’m a bit weary.
Happy New Year my friend.
Peace is a great word! This year I’ve chosen Focus as my one word, because I want to focus on what is good, true and beautiful in my life, as well as using my time more wisely and tackling what is important to me. I wish you all the best in 2018!
Oh I love your reasoning behind choosing FOCUS as a word. Thanks for sharing Natasha!
I love that Marva shared these! Peace is a great word… and one I’m sure God will teach you much about! Many blessings as you seek His peace this year!
Thank you Liz! Yes I’m sure the Lord has much to teach me about peace – I appreciate your encouragement.
My one word for 2018 is AWE – I want to be in awe of the Lord all year long, to be awed by Him over and over again. Then I will know how truly awesome is the God we serve, how powerful, magnificent… and then in whom shall I be afraid when I have lived a year of being in awe of the One greater than all my fears and doubts and situations? And He began awing me as soon as I chose the word in December so I know I will have an awesome testimony of His faithfulness at the end of the year!
Seriously, my shower’s hot water stopped working. A plumber friend came over, did nothing to it but shake it around a little (because the entire thing needs replaced) and it started working. He told me he doesn’t know how my shower is working because IT SHOULDN’T BE (I can’t afford to get it fixed right now). I told him it was the Lord. :-)
Awe is an awesome word for the year! I pray you are AWE-Filled all year long and that you have many awe-inspiring stories to tell at the end of 2018! Blessings to you Kathy!