
How do you get more blogging done? Blogging is time-consuming, and time management is one of the greatest obstacles for bloggers. There’s so much vying for our attention—how do we manage it all?! 

Today, I want to share some essential life management tips so that you can get more blogging done. Plus, at the end of this post, I have the BIGGEST time management tip. You don’t want to miss out!

Check out these fabulous tips on how to manage your life so you can get more #blogging done! Share on X

The to-do list.

I swear by lists. I’m utterly unproductive if I don’t have a list to start my day. Make sure to include errands, meetings, and blogging tasks on your to-do list for the day.

Spread out your chores.

Every day, I commit to one cleaning task. By doing this, I’m never overwhelmed by a big, time-consuming cleaning day. If you want to see my cleaning schedule and get a FREE downloadable checklist for yourself, make sure to check out the post My Cleaning Routine.

Plan your meals.

At the beginning of every week, take twenty minutes to plan your meals. This saves time because you’re not scrambling from cupboard to cupboard to figure out what’s for dinner. Meal planning also saves you time in the grocery store because you know precisely what items you need for the week.

After I plan my meals, I write them on my handmade DIY menu board. I love it because everyone knows exactly what’s for dinner every night!

Order your groceries.

I’m very fortunate to live in a community where I have access to the Superstore Click & Collect program. For $3, I can order all of my groceries online. I simply show up during my chosen two-hour window of time, and the groceries get loaded into my trunk!

When I think of the time saved wandering around aisles in the store, waiting in line, buying my groceries, and loading the groceries into my trunk, I know I easily save 1-2 hours a week by doing my groceries this way!

Make crockpot meals.

Crockpot meals (especially freezer-to-crockpot dinners) save me loads of time. I toss everything into the crockpot in the morning, and supper is ready by 5 pm. Perfect!

I reference a couple of Crockpot cookbooks for inspiring meal ideas, but I also have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to Crockpot meals.

Don’t like crockpot cooking? Check out my 5-ingredient recipes post for a variety of quick and delicious meal ideas!

Capitalize on the times when your kids are busy.

My kids have YMCA memberships. I originally purchased their memberships because they entitled them to year-round weekly swim classes. However, I recently discovered that their memberships also permit them to attend member-only drop-in programs!

Once a week, I bring my girls to the YMCA programs. While they play games and exercise, I’m at a table in the lobby working on blog projects.

Enlist the help of family members.

Do you have a family member who would love to spend quality time with your kids? Try to schedule volunteers who will watch the kids while you get some work done. It’s incredible how much you can accomplish with 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time.

Another way to get family members’ help is to delegate chores to everyone. The house will be cleaner a lot faster if one child is in charge of keeping the front entrance tidy and another child does all the dusting.

So tell me, how do you manage your time effectively so you can do more blogging? Please tell me about it in the comments below, and take a moment to share this article in your blogging communities!



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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