
I was going about my business, looking through my Bloglovin’ feed, when I saw the title of a dear blogging friends’ post:

“Goodbye Bloggyland, Sorry For All The Broken Links.”

My throat went to my stomach and back again.

I clicked on the post only to discover that her blog was already gone. Just like that. Everything that I have read, everything that she has written, is gone.

I immediately went to her Facebook page only to discover that it was gone as well.

Sadness overwhelmed me.

I have been following this blogging friend for almost 1 1/2 years. Her writing ranged from humorous, to outright tears-in-my-eyes-emotional. We visited each other regularly and I enjoyed getting to know her.

I found myself grieved as I stalked every social media site trying to find her, just so I could say goodbye.  Alas, I had no luck. It was then that I began to cry.

Yes, dear friends, I began to cry.

This is when it really occurred to me… blogging isn’t just a hobby. It’s an emotional, heart-wrenching, soul-expanding, love-outpouring, relationship-building journey.

Blogging is a heart-wrenching, soul-expanding, love-outpouring, relationship-building journey. Share on X

When you don't get to say goodbye in the blogging world. #blogging

My dear friends, when I visit you, I am there in your home:

  • I’m listening to you tell me about your day.
  • I’m watching as you prepare a recipe for me.
  • I laugh at the humorous experiences you share with me.
  • I cry as I read about your pains.
  • I marvel at your wisdom as you minister to me.

This blogging journey isn’t just a hobby, it’s a life changing journey. It’s an adventure in which I get to travel the world, meet many people, and learn extraordinary things.

I cherish our time together… whether it’s here or in your corner of the internet. I delight in our friendship. Yes, I will boldly call it friendship because even if you don’t feel the same way, I care about every single one of you.

In some way, whether big or small, you’ve impacted my life:

  • Perhaps when you told me about your day, it helped me to approach my day with grace and thankfulness.
  • Maybe the recipe you shared has now become a family favourite.
  • Perhaps the laughter that I experienced while visiting your blog brightened my day, which in turn brightened someone else’s day.
  • Perhaps the pains that you shared helped me get through challenging times of my own.
  • Maybe your ministry encouraged me to reach out to someone else.

I guess what I’m saying here is… we all have an impact. Even if you’re reading this and you’re not a blogger, every single thing you say and do has an impact on somebody.

So before you close your laptop or scroll to the next post on your phone, take a minute to think about the impact you have… and allow the enormity of that thought sink in for a moment.

With blessings and love…

PS – Jean if you’re reading this, I love you my friend. You are hilarious, beautiful, wise, and apparently also a ninja?! You had a tremendous impact on me and I will cherish all your words and the stories you shared. I want say goodbye. I wish you all the best… and please if you can, stop in, say hi, and let me know how you’re doing.



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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