
The blue shorts sat on my dresser, almost mocking me. They’ve been there since the button popped off on them at the end of May.

Beside my laundry basket was my daughter’s owl bed sheet. For almost three weeks it teased me with it’s black “slime” stain.

Then there was the landscape binder that I just HAD to have because I wanted to build a historical accordion timeline that we could use with our social studies homeschool curriculum. It sat on the bookshelf in the kitchen, reminding me of yet another project I neglected to do.

Add an unfinished knitted scarf for a stuffed animal, a stack of badges that need to be stitched onto a Guiding sash, and a sewing table covered with clutter… I was drowning in unfinished projects.

I have no idea why I let things get this way.

After all, how long does it really take to sew a button onto a pair of shorts?!

Can you identify? Are you the same way with your to-do list? Are you drowning in projects and not sure where to start?

Here are some strategies to tackle that to-do list and get all of those “little” projects done.

Check out these strategies to get all the little things on your to-do list done, once and for all! Share on X


I think the most crucial step to tackling your to-do list is to decide if the project you “need” to do, must be done. For instance, before sewing the button on my husband’s shorts, I had him try his shorts on first to make sure they still fit (and that he still liked them).

Once I established that the shorts were still “good” I tackled the project.


It’s good to have a running project list which you can access at all times. Whether it’s a small notebook you keep in your purse, or a to-do list on your phone, you want to have a place to record all of the projects you encounter in your days.

Often we see the project, but we don’t think about the task until we see it again. A list is a constant reminder and it keeps us accountable to get all the projects done.


After you create your project to-do list, number the list based on priority. Make sure that you tackle the most urgent items first.


Part of the reason why all of my projects were forgotten and neglected was because I let my sewing table get overrun with clutter.

My sewing table is my project space. I have to pass by it every time I do the laundry, so it’s reminds me of the jobs I need to get done.

Whether it’s a table, a basket, or a bin, create a space to collect your projects.


Create a regular weekly time for projects. Perhaps on Saturday mornings from 8-9 you can work on any nagging projects.

By creating a rhythm for tackling these tasks, you’re more likely to complete them.

I don’t do this for something like knitting (because it’s a leisurely hobby), but I do it with all my other projects. It’s already made a difference!

Are you drowning in projects and not sure where to start? Here are some strategies to tackle the to-do list and get all of those little annoying tasks done.


Sometimes we can’t get all of these jobs done because we simply don’t have the time to do them! Look at your project list and decide which projects can be delegated to other family members.


Once you’ve plowed through your project list, consider tackling tasks as soon as they come up. This will keep you from getting overwhelmed by a huge list of chores.


You know that great feeling you have after you accomplish a task? Hold on to that feeling. Celebrate your accomplishment! If you cling to how great it feels to get a task done, you’re likely to tackle your projects in a more timely manner.

A long list of chores is burdensome. As tasks stack up, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in tedious work. However, if you use even some of these tips, you’ll conquer that nagging to-do list once and for all!



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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