
Here are some random moments from the best part of the week – the weekend!

* Browsed through a local toy store and marveled at the fun things that are available for children!
* A stroll through Staples revealed the find of the century! Dunder Mifflin paper! Being a fan of The Office, I couldn’t resist buying a ream. I think I’ll just look at it… and smell it.

* Friday afternoon yoga… with a focus on anxiety. Needless to say, I was anxious about it but it ended up being quite enjoyable and relaxing.
* An ever so brief encounter with a dear friend. Despite it being a quick exchange, it was wonderful to see her lovely smiling face (and she gave me copies of her kids’ school pictures – so cute)!
* Friday night Zumba with my sister-in-law, with a repeat of last Friday’s 90’s choreography.
* Watched the Chopped All-Stars Finale with the hubby.
* Woke up to more snow. Boooooooo! Hiss!
* Enjoyed the newspaper while sipping a cup of coffee. (The kids liked the newspaper too).

* Pumped some iron. See this picture, that’s me flexing. Pretty sad, no? I’m on a month-long plan to buff up these scrawny arms of mine.

* Got bit by the creativity bug. I lifted paintbrush to canvas (for the first time in a year) and wrote a poem (for the first time in at least a decade)!

* Spent the day in my pajamas (it was delightful).
* Watched an episode of Donut Showdown and then made, you guessed it… DONUTS!

* Observed my toddler watch popcorn pop for the first time in her life. Her initial look of horror quickly turned to joy as the kernels exploded in the popper.

* Movie night with my five-year-old daughter. It was the first time she’s seen Toy Story. She was in awe.
* Finished reading Little House in the Big Woods to my daughter and started reading Little House on the Prairie.
* Mai Tais!
* Spinach smoothies and spinach omelets.
* A nap. I never nap!
* This bit of randomness marks my 501st posting since I first published in this corner of the internet (that was back on September 12, 2010). Wow! I can’t believe I’ve written over 500 posts!

That was my weekend. How was yours?


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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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