
Play dates or play dating? Parenting is tough but I never expected to get overwhelmed by the idea of play dates! Here’s my first experience with arranging a play date.

Play Dates or Play Dating?

It happened. A child from my daughter’s homeschool group wanted to schedule a play date with my daughter. I gave our phone number and began to reflect on this first-time experience. Yes, I said first-time experience. Here’s the deal….

I have some friends who have children but I’ve never connected with someone because our children connected. Never, until now.

It begins.

After handing my phone number over to this mom, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

I had butterflies! Me! From giving my phone number.

Then I waited. One day. Two days.

Then I started to wonder.

Maybe she doesn’t really want to connect with us.

What if she doesn’t like me. 

Maybe she really doesn’t want my daughter to be friends with her daughter.

Then I began to fret.

Maybe I should have taken her number as well! 

She might still call.

Why isn’t she calling?

Then she called.

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe she called.

Yay! She does want to get together!

I guess I was worrying for nothing.

Then I began to fret (again).

What should we wear?

EEK! What if my 3-year-old destroys her house? 

What if my daughter and her daughter get in a fight?

I calmed myself but then I began to fret some more.

What if everything goes well? How long do I wait before I arrange another play date?

Should I bring something since she’s hosting? If so, what do I bring?

Why do I constantly feel like I have butterflies in my stomach?

Am I crazy, or does this whole play date thing feel like dating?

Please tell me I’m not the only one who has ever felt like this.

Play dates or play dating... perhaps this is a parent's rite of passage. #parenting Share on X



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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