
Have you ever thought of using Rocketbooks in your homeschool? As a homeschooling mom, Rocketbooks have helped me in so many ways. Today I want to share how we use Rocketbooks in our home!

Please note, this post is not endorsed or sponsored by Rocketbooks. These opinions are my own! But I have shared my affiliate / referral links throughout the post (which means if you click through and make a purchase, I may get compensated at no extra expense to you).

Using Rocketbooks in our homeschool


First things, first. You may be wondering what the heck are Rocketbooks? If you haven’t heard of this yet, then I’m super pumped to be the one who’s going to blow your mind!

A Rocketbook is a reusable notebook. Whatever you write, you scan with their app and it loads to over 10+ integrated apps including Google Drive, Dropbox, and email. After you upload your note, simply erase the Rocketbook with water and reuse!

Amazing right?


I just received my first Rocketbooks in December and I can’t believe how many uses I’ve found for it! Here are a few ways that we use Rocketbooks in our homeschool. 

Drawing activities 

These books are delightful to use for drawing activities. I’ve purchased various colours of Pilot Frixon pens and markers to use in our books and they make for wonderful spaces to doodle and draw in! Plus once a picture is done, I scan it to the app (which then gets automatically into a drawing file I created on my Google Drive)! 

I no longer feel guilty about using too much paper in our house! My kids can doodle as much as they like! 

Long form work for mathematical equations

My daughter loves using the Rocketbook Mini for when she’s working on equations in math. I love that I’m not finding scraps of paper all over the house! 

Notetaking while watching documentaries or while on a field trip

The Rocketbook is fantastic for notetaking. I simply give each of my girls a book and they take notes and/or doodle while watching documentaries or while we’re on a field trip. Once again, the notes are uploaded to a file I have organized on Google Drive. I can even text copies to family members!

I use it for journalling about our homeschool day

I’m a reflective mom and a reflective homeschooler. The Rocketbook has helped me to engage in the practice of journalling about our homeschool day. Some of the things I document include:

  • the books we read
  • experiments we did
  • observations we made
  • milestones accomplished (i.e. “Can now write her name in cursive”)
  • questions my children asked
  • further topics and subjects for exploration
  • activity ideas and inspiration

I upload these notes to a monthly file. It’s a lovely way to document our homeschool process.

Playing pen and paper games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Hangman, and SOS

I don’t know about you, but we LOVE pen and paper games. Tic-Tac-Toe, Hangman, Dots & Boxes, Pictionary, Scrambled Word Ladders, and SOS are some of favourites. What’s lovely is that we can play loads of games and not waste one sheet of paper! Awesome right?! 

Bonus tip: Always have a Rocketbook and pen with you for those times you are in waiting rooms or in line with your kids. It makes for a fantastic way to pass the time!

As you can see, Rocketbooks have been an amazing resource in our homeschool. If you don’t have one yet, I encourage you to try it out… the possibilities will blow your mind! 

Pssst – If you don’t have a Rocketbook yet, I encourage you to get one! It is a MUST-HAVE tool for any homeschooler!



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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