
Do you struggle to come up with blog post ideas? Blogging can be exhausting… and inspiration can sometimes wane. Here are 9 tips to inspire great blog post ideas!

You sit down to write a blog post but you may be feeling one of two things:

1- You’re invigorated and full of energy… overflowing with ambition and ideas.

2- You’re exhausted and ready to settle down for a long nap.

If you’re feeling sluggish, then chances are you’re running low on blogging inspiration. I’m here today to provide some inspiration to help you curate some awesome ideas for your blog!

Are you ready?! Let’s go!

Check out these 9 tips to inspire GREAT blog post ideas! #blogging Share on X

What do you write about?

Consider what you write about. Do you have a niche? What are your categories? What do you like to write about the most?

What’s hot right now?

Check out the headlines, posts on Facebook, and the popular pins on Pinterest. What are people excited about? If it’s something you’re familiar with, tap into the excitement and write about it.

What’s the season’s inspiration?

Is there a big holiday coming up or a perhaps the chill of winter could inspire some post ideas? Tap into the seasons and write about them.

Idea lists

If you search the internet, you may be surprise to find LOADS of idea lists! Here are a few notable ones that I thought I would share:

Look to YOUR blog for inspiration

Look at your analytics. What search engine topics bring people to your blog? What are your most popular posts? Can you write about these topics/themes again and put a refreshing spin on it?

Look to OTHER blogs for inspiration

Did a blogger write something that really made you think? Karren, over at Oh My Heartsie Girl wrote a post about how she was going through blogger burnout. After writing a lengthy comment, I realized I could write a whole post about blogger burnout… so I did. Your fellow blogging buddies can be a HUGE source of inspiration.

Blogging challenges

Many blogging groups provide periodic theme-of-the-day challenges. Try looking up old archived challenges and see if any ideas inspire you. You don’t necessarily have to commit to a 30 day challenge… just check them out for inspiration.

Do something else

Go for a walk. Try a new craft. Do something with friends. The real world provides loads of material to write about.

Always have a blog post ideas list

Ideas can come at any time. I type the ideas I have into my phone. Later on, I transfer them onto my blogging ideas sheet. I also document their theme/topic/season so that the process of filling out my monthly editorial calendar is simplified. Screenshot 2015-01-02 at 3.54.46 PM Today I’m sharing my two-page ideas sheet with you (it’s two pages because I couldn’t decide between one of two quotes to put at the top of it). Simply click the download button at the bottom of this post to claim your ideas list.

Blog Post Ideas Sheet
Blog Post Ideas Sheet

This two page document has all the space you need to record your blog post ideas. Keep your inspiration for content organized and accessible.

How do you come up with your blog post ideas?



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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