Our morning time curriculum is a key part of our
In fact, it was a couple years ago that my uninspired and chaotic
Every once and a while I like to share a peek into our Morning Time curriculum (and all the goodies we have in our Morning Time basket). We discover amazing books and resources in our
Here’s what you will find in our current Morning Time basket.
Morning Time wouldn't exist without the sharing of quality and lovely homeschool resources. Here's a peek at our current Morning Time curriculum. #homeschooling #morningtime Share on XMORNING TIME CURRICULUM SELECTIONS
Our church gave each family a copy of the Believe Storybook for Christmas. We’re reading a chapter each week. I love how each chapter is broken up by an old testament reading, a related new testament reading, and how the message of Jesus is conveyed through each.
This children’s Bible/devotional is beautifully illustrated and full of content to discuss and ponder (there are even key scriptures each week).

For the past few months we’ve also been enjoying The Ology. This unique book is an introduction to theology for children. I love the way it’s written and I’m even gaining some solid theological education from this book!
This year we’re reading our way through the Little House on the Prairie Series. We’re currently studying On the Banks of Plum Creek. My girls are infatuated with all things having to do with Little House… we’re even watching the television series.
Around the Year is a staple in our Morning Time basket. This cute little book has lovely poems about each month of the year. We read the poem of the month on the first day of that particular month.

We’re still studying The Story of the World (Volume II). We also have the audio CDs to this book. I will sometimes play a chapter from the CD while I prepare another activity for the girls (such as an art, science, or cooking activity).
We’re also working our way through the Canadian Timeline. This is a fantastic booklet which weaves its way through the monumental Canadian events since the Confederation. My kids love it (and it often has us researching additional information and videos because of its thought-provoking entries)!
One of my favourite items in our Morning Time Basket is the fabulous World Scrunch Map! We simply unfold the map to use and then squish it back into its bag when we’re done!

I recently discovered Bedtime Math! The kids and I are hooked! We read a chapter every day. The stories are fascinating and my girls love solving the word problems.

Since we’re reading the Little House series, it seems only natural to make our way through Farm Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of Country Life. Truth be told… I love ALL of Julia Rothman’s books.
We’re also enjoying the book, The Life and Times of the Honeybee by Charles Micucci. We read a couple pages every day.
One of the treasures in my Morning Time routine is SQUILT (Super Quiet Uninterrupted Listening Time). We’re currently enjoying the Meet the Instruments: Exploring the Orchestra curriculum.
I love art! One of my favourite art programs that we’re currently following is the video chalk pastels curriculum from You Are an Artist! We recently finished the Birds chalk pastel curriculum and now I’m trying to decide on which to do next! I’m waffling between the Space Exploration and the Spring chalk pastel courses.
We also keep a bundle of art prints to look at for artist/picture study. Sometimes we’ll discuss a painting or we may replicate it in our art journals.
What books and materials are you currently exploring with your children? Please take a few moments to comment below and then share this post with your
I am just beginning my homeschooling journey with my daughter and I found the resources on this post incredibly helpful. Thank you.
Congratulations on your new homeschool journey! I’m delighted that you found these resources helpful. Thanks for sharing!