
How do we give God control? It’s a challenge many Christians face in their spiritual walk.

Are you a Type-A Personality?

I am.

It’s a gift and a challenge all in one.

If you’re unsure of what a Type-A Personality is, I love Wikipedia’s definition:

Ambitious, rigidly organized, highly status conscious, sensitive, truthful, impatient, always try to help others, take on more than they can handle, want other people to get to the point, proactive, and obsessed with time management. People with Type A personalities are often high-achieving “workaholics” who multi-task, push themselves with deadlines, and hate both delays and ambivalence.

Sounds kind of good, right?

The problem is that following God can be challenging if you have this kind of personality. Thankfully, God knows your heart and your weaknesses as much as your strengths! He wants you to trust Him!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

Want to give God control? Here are some tips on how to let go of control and truly hand your life over to God! #faith Share on X


It seems like a silly question, doesn’t it? Because when it comes down to it, God IS in control of everything. BUT we often try to assert our own control and defy or disobey Him. Here are some ways to relinquish that control and enrich your relationship with God.


God wants to spend time with you. Spend time talking to Him. Talk openly and freely about everything. Let Him know that you’re struggling to let go of control, and invite Him to help you.


When you read scripture, you get to know God. It only makes sense that the more you know someone, the more you learn their character. It’s easier to trust God when we know Him!


The Lord speaks to us. However, it’s important that we listen to what he has to say. God has been giving me some REALLY loud messages lately. Here is one such example of Him speaking so clearly to me about the topic of control…

I went to the bookstore with a previously used gift card. I was certain the balance remaining on the card was somewhere around $17. There I stood in the Christian section of the store. I recently read Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman and was working on the Beth Moore prayer devotional Whispers of Hope, but I wanted another book that would encourage growth in my Christian walk.

So I stood there with two books in my hands. I read both of the book jackets and felt torn as to which one to choose. I debated and deliberated. Then I felt a sudden strong urge to buy one.

I went to the till to purchase the book. The cashier rang it through… $17.31.

Then she scanned my gift card.

I literally saw her jaw drop.

The amount on the gift card was EXACTLY $17.31. She was floored and said she had never seen that happen before… EVER!

In that moment, I knew I had selected the right book. God wanted me to read that book, and He was making it clear to me that I had made the right choice.

The book is entitled Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman.

It is about “how to stop running the show (letting go of control) and start walking in faith.”

Remember how a couple months ago I declared that I’m All In with God? I’m still struggling with handing everything over to Him. There are still bits and pieces that I want to control.

In the first chapter of this book, you are required to take a test about control. I was so unhappy with my results that I wanted to retake the test. That in itself tells me that I need to read this book!


The Lord is so good. Even if you struggle with control, approach God with a thankful heart.

Show gratitude for all He’s done for you.

It’s easier to release control when you’re thankful for what someone has done for you. Even if it’s the small things that you wouldn’t be able to control… thank Him. For example, you can thank Him for the rainy day because that means you get to stay inside and read instead of doing the gardening.


God loves you, and He wants to help you! Through scripture, prayer, a listening ear, and a thankful heart, you can have victory over your need for control. As you give more to Him, you will find peace and clarity on God’s will for your life. He promises it!

Unless otherwise indicated, scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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