
Anyone who has followed my blog for a while knows that I’m not a niche blogger. I write about everything… my latest craft project, day-to-day life with my girls, my recipes, parenting ideas, activities for kids, and the list goes on and on. Sometimes I write personal stories too.

If you’re familiar with the blogging world, you are probably aware that you can run analytics on your site. I am sad to report that my most popular posting is Antepartum Depression: Stopping The Tears. Last month it received 442 pageviews… that’s sad and frightening. The keywords that link to my site most frequently are: “Antepartum Depression”. Obviously there are many other women out there who are suffering through the pre-baby blues. I am fortunate. After a few months, my depression passed.

I recently started receiving e-mails through my contact me form… so many women are desperate and looking to me for advice. What can I do? I am not a doctor but I hear you and feel your pain. So today I am going to sum up the information that I’ve been e-mailing back to the women who have been reaching out to me.

Talk to your doctor.
Your doctor is trained to handle all sorts of issues. It is critical to you AND your baby’s well-being that you seek medical attention. Based upon my blog’s statistics, you are obviously not alone. Your doctor has most likely seen this before and may be able to offer several courses of action.

Talk to someone. Anyone.
Your husband, your pastor, a counsellor, your sister, your best friend, your mom… it’s critical to talk to SOMEONE. Don’t bottle these emotions inside. The road to healing starts with letting others know that you are hurting.

Get some rest.
Sleep has a huge impact on mental and emotional well-being. Do what you can to get some extra sleep every day. Your body is working hard to grow and nourish another human being… you need your sleep now more than ever.

Eat some good mood foods.
I think this had the greatest impact on my mood. My dad had read my blog posting and e-mailed me a list of mood foods. I started incorporating healthy, “happy” foods into my diet (i.e. salmon, bananas, mango, and pineapple). Here’s a few links to resources on good mood foods:

Leave your house… now!
You’re feeling down… I hear you. I know the last thing you want to do is be social but this is not the time to lock yourself away at home. Get out and do something. Visit a friend, join a prenatal fitness class, treat yourself to a manicure, or go for a walk with a friend. Get out of the house and be social.

To conclude, if you are reading this and you are experiencing antepartum depression, I am so sorry that you are going through this. As a woman of faith, I can assure you that I will be praying for you.

I hope that this information has helped you even a little and please, please, PLEASE get professional help for you and for your unborn child.

As mentioned previously, I am not a doctor and this article should not replace the advice given by a certified medical professional. Please consult your physician for professional advice.


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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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