
Does your child hate language arts and writing? Effective, concise writing is one of the most important skills you can teach your homeschooler. This article is full of ideas to help you create an interesting and dynamic writing program for your homeschooler.

It’s no secret that I love writing.

When I was in school, language arts was one of my favourite subjects.

Teaching language arts can be overwhelming. After all, there are so many facets to this subject. From spelling, to grammar, to punctuation, and composing written works… there’s a lot to cover.

Here are some suggestions for how to craft a dynamic language arts program for your child.

Check out these great tips for how to create a dynamic language arts program for your homeschooler! #writing #homeschool Share on X


We do our language arts lessons daily. However, the activities are always fresh and exciting.


We rotate through a few curriculum books to keep the learning lively. The following curriculum is what we like to use.


All About Spelling, is by far, one of my favourite spelling curriculums. While it requires hands-on parental involvement, it effectively teaches children the many “rules” of spelling. I love how thorough it is.


Once a week, I present a section from Editor in Chief. This curriculum encourages children to look for (and correct) errors in writing. I find it especially good for the child who resists self-editing. It subtly demonstrates the importance of editing.


The format of the Bob Jones curriculum is fabulous. The chapters alternate in their focus. For example, one chapter teaches the foundations of writing (i.e verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.), while the next chapter focuses on a writing project.


Every month I like to focus on a different type of writing (for instance, in the month of September we may focus on descriptive writing). I find with this approach, my children have enough time to completely explore each particular form of writing.

Here is a list of types of writing projects you can give to your children:

  • creative writing
  • business (formal) letters
  • friendly (informal) letters
  • compare and contrast essay
  • narrative essay
  • research report
  • poetry
  • procedural writing
  • book report
  • descriptive writing

If your child struggles with content ideas, I encourage you to check out WriteShop. We’re subscribed to their newsletter and every month we get a month’s worth of writing prompts delivered via email. The writing prompts can inspire even the most reluctant writer!


We also include fun language arts games and activities in our school days. Here are some of the activities we enjoy:

Another way to make writing fun is to set up a writing table with special paper, pens, envelopes, a dictionary, thesaurus, etc. You may be surprised by the works your child creates when they can use different writing tools!

As you can see, it’s easy to pull together a dynamic language arts program. There are many resources available to young children and plenty of opportunities to practice their writing skills.



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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