
It may seem odd or trivial to some… but I did it! I disconnected for one whole week and went screen-free! No e-mail. No internet. No computer. No texting. No television. No movies.

Guess what? I survived.

What Did I Do With All Of My Spare Time?

At first I didn’t know what to do with myself. There’s only so much reading a person could do. However, I did some baking, journaling and part of my seven-day screen “fast” included a four-day trip to Banff (can’t beat that for reconnecting with nature). The majesty of the Rocky Mountains just can’t be outdone. I’ll make sure to share some additional photos within the next few days.

While planning for this screen “fast”, I thought the evenings would be the most challenging. My daughter’s bedtime is 8 pm. Normally my husband and I would switch on the television or watch a movie. Instead we played board games, talked, lounged about and read magazines. While on vacation, we made similar choices and it made for a wonderful vacation full of pleasurable and relaxing activities.

What I Learned 

I learned that I’m addicted to my e-mail and Google. It took me a while to realize that I couldn’t check my e-mail every couple of hours or do a Google search on any random topic that popped into my head.

I also learned that my computer time actually detracts from my personal relationships. While I was disconnected, I listened intently to what people were telling me because much of it was new information! I had nothing to contribute or share about the current events, so I was an exceptional listener and I asked meaningful questions.

I became aware that there’s a lot of wasted time in my day. I would spend time searching a topic on Google but then get distracted and spend hours watching YouTube videos or reading articles. These activities don’t make me a better person, so now I have to figure out how to control the amount of wasted time I spend on the computer.

I also gained a heightened awareness of technology and screens. They’re everywhere! While I was in Banff, my family took a stroll along the Bow River. Almost every bench we passed had someone sitting on it, texting or talking on their cell phones. I was disgusted and I felt like saying, if you’re not going to sit on this bench and enjoy the scenery, then get off of it and let someone sit here who will enjoy the beauty of nature! Of course, I didn’t say anything… but I wish I could.

Life Goes On

I missed out on some stuff this past week. Macho Man Randy Savage died and apparently the world was supposed to end on Saturday. I’m not any less of a person because I wasn’t privy to this information in a timely manner. I’m still me, living my life.

I guess this experience brings me back to the heart of the matter. Nature and our appreciation of it. Screens and technology are distracting us from appreciating this beautiful planet. I urge you to take a moment, consider your usage of screens and instead of flipping on the switch of the computer monitor, go for a walk, do some gardening or lie in the grass outside. This world is a beautiful gift. Technology will only gain momentum. It will never go away… but as I write this, our planet is fading. 

Wondering why I went on a screen “fast”? My original post can be found here: How Long Could You Go Without Screen Time?


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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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