
Do you want to be a better parent? Do you want this year to be your best year ever? Welcome to the first challenge of the year-long Parenting Resolution. It’s time to create a parenting learning plan!

I remember dreading the appointment with the career counselor at my university, but I knew it would be a cornerstone of my future decision making and educational success. It turned out the appointment proved to be one of the best investments of time I had ever made.

Courses I was thinking of taking were not considered critical to my career path, but programs I had overlooked were essential to obtaining my diploma. Without that meeting, I could have squandered time, money, and resources.

Whenever we want to achieve something, a plan is necessary. So when I made my Parenting Resolution, I knew one of the most important steps I could take is make a learning plan.

It’s hard to make a change when you lack inspiration. I get most inspired when I am in a “learning” mode. Whether it’s a book, a thought-provoking conversation, or a class. Learning inspires me.

Check out the first challenge of this year's #parentingresolution! Make this year your best! Click To Tweet

Create a Parenting Learning Plan

January’s parenting resolution challenge is to create a parenting learning plan.

I have already decided that my learning plan will include reading one parenting book every three months. This means I will have read four parenting books by the end of this year. I’m a slow reader, plus I would still like some room for fiction books, which is why I chose to give myself three months to finish each book.


At first, it was a daunting task to come up with the four books for this challenge. There are loads of parenting books to choose from!

After doing some research, and reading other bloggers’ reviews and suggestions, I decided on the following:

Raising Your Spirited Child – Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Hands Free Mama – Rachel Macy Stafford

Simplicity Parenting – Kim John Payne (I read this in 2016 but I would like to read it again)

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids – Dr. Laura Markham

If I finish these early I will read:

Parenting the Wholehearted Child – Jeannie Cunnion

Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline – Becky A. Bailey


The other part of my learning plan is to complete at least a few parenting courses, workshops, or seminars.

The Becoming a Deliberate Mom workbook is one of the best, easiest, parenting workbooks you could use! I go through the workbook at least once a year. There are seven simple units with challenges and homework for each unit. This workbook was designed for moms to use and apply regardless of their busy schedules. I will once again, use the Becoming a Deliberate Mom workbook to improve my parenting practices.

Every parenting learning plan needs the Becoming a Deliberate Mom workbook.

In addition, thanks to the internet, it’s easy to find online classes to attend.

While developing my learning plan, I stumbled across The Center for Parenting Education and their archive of FREE parenting webinars. I may try to attend a live session as well.

Some of the webinars I hope to listen to are:

“You’re so Mean – I Hate You!” – Taming the Angry Monster in Childen

Skills of Healthy Communication

Setting the Stage for Discipline that Works

The Right Attitude for Discipline that Works

Isn’t that such a cool resource?!

Moreover, my church belongs to RightNow Media, so I may do a couple learning seminars from their collection.

I’m interested in:

Have a New Kid By Friday – Kevin Leman

The Power of Love – Gary Thomas

5 Keys to Better Kids – Michael & Amy Smalley

Each of these studies has over five video sessions, so there’s a lot of content to watch and learn.


The last part of my learning plan is to document my learning and reflection. I will start a parenting journal and write my thoughts about what I’ve learned and how I’m applying concepts to everyday life with my children. I find journaling to be remarkably edifying, as it’s a simple way to capture the growth and changes that are taking place.

So this is the challenge for January. Will you join me? Perhaps you would like to read some parenting books this year? Please share your recommendations, your thoughts, etc.

Also, make sure to use the hashtag #parentingresolution with any of your social media shares… you can even take a picture of your books and share it on Instagram!

This post is part of The Parenting Resolution series. The entire series is here:

Introduction: The Parenting Resolution: Make This Year the Best Year!

Challenge #1: The Parenting Resolution: Creating a Learning Plan



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Jennifer Bly
Jennifer Bly
Author of My Kitchen, My Classroom: An Introduction to Homeschool and creator of The Deliberate Mom. Jennifer writes about parenting, homeschooling, her faith, and life with her husband and two girls. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.

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